More Beck!!
Wow. Beck is seriously becoming the hardest working man in show business.
In addition to his Record Club and Planned Obsolescence (more here), he’s posted a great conversation with Tom Waits about growing up in LA in his Irrelevant Topics section. That, in and of itself, is amazing — hearing two very strange characters wax nostalgic about what Los Angeles used to be (as well as generally philosophizing about the nature of existence. as one might expect them to).
Not to be outdone by himself, Beck has also started recording an all-acoustic version of his sonically rich 2008 release, Modern Guilt (mastered by the mind-blowing Danger Mouse — about whom I should have posted something by now). I think the deal is that he’s recording songs in order — track by track. Be sure to check back often to catch the full album. For now, here’s Orphans: