Archive for the ‘General Nerdiness’ Category

ESA Mars Express Photos

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

There are some pretty amazing photos coming back from the European Space Agency’s Mars Express probe.  Many, like this one, suggest there used to be a fair amount of water on Mars:

Photo: ESA/ DLR/ FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

Photo: ESA/ DLR/ FU Berlin (G. Neukum)

See the entire photo set here
Visit the ESA’s Mars Express website
Read about it on The Huffington Post

Apple iPhone Hype, etc

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

I’m a Mac user.  Have been pretty exclusively for years.  I use a Macbook Pro at home and at work, and I really love it.

Up until recently, that love of Macs has extended to Apple in general.

But so much is truly fishy about their latest iPhone deal that I’m starting to have some misgivings about my blind support of what I thought was a philosophy, but which is turning out to just be another brand.

It all started when it became clear that Apple made a deal with the devil when it got into bed with AT&T.  The carrier is now charging more for text messages and basically undermining Steve Jobs’ promise at the WWDC: a new 3G iPhone for $199 or $299.

That, my friends turns out to be a complete and utter lie.

Because the new service contract is now more expensive than the old one, it turns out the new iPhone, overall, is more expensive than its predecessor.  Not less.

Check the math
Or ask David Pogue

What’s more irritating to me is the fact that, as a current AT&T customer who is not eligible for a phone upgrade, I have to pay $200 more than these base prices in order to get an iPhone.  Analyst Gene Munster says I’m not alone.  He estimates that only 35% of iPhone purchasers will see the prices that Steve Jobs promised.  Turns out the only people who are eligible to get the announced prices are 1) new customers 2) customers eligible for an upgrade 3) current iPhone owners.  This means loyal customers like me (I’ve been with AT&T for 7 years) are SOL.

That’s shocking! No?

Why isn’t anyone screaming through the streets calling Steve Jobs a big fat liar?

The whole point of this, I remember, was so that more people could afford the iPhone.  So that it had a lower entry point, and wasn’t viewed as a luxury item.  What a scam.

What’s more insidious, I think, was brought to light in an opinion I just read by on TechCrunch — where he calls out Apple and Apple users for the fact that everyone is raving about the iPhones without acknowledging that they are a proprietary, DRM infested walled garden.  The points that stuck out in my mind were:

1. Apple has a tendancy to take open source technologies and package and rebrand them in such a way that they are no longer open source.  Which seems pretty parasitic to me.

2. All of the open source fans around the world are drooling over iPhones and Apple (me included) and that’s more than a little bit hypocritical.

Solutions?  I have none. I would be the first to buy an Android phone if they were actually an alternative, but I can’t imagine they’ll have anything like the iPhone anytime soon.

But some competition might be nice.  Competition was how Apple got to be good in the first place.  They were the underdog, so they had to fight.  Now it seems like they’re just as bad as Microsoft when they know they don’t have any competition.

All of that said, i’ll probably join the rest of the hypocrites and buy an iPhone when my contract is up in October.  But not before, dammit!

Radiohead: House of Cards

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

Apparently Radiohead teamed up with Google to do some pretty nifty 3D modeling in the new House of Cards video.

I’d embed it, but doesn’t look like you can.  Click below if you want to watch:

screen cap from

screen cap from

Lit 101

Sunday, July 13th, 2008

Oh McSweeny’s.  You’re such rascals.

“Lit 101 Class in Three Lines or Less” by Ben Joseph

thank you Carter.