Posts Tagged ‘Engineering Everywhere’

Why My Alma Mater Totally Out-Nerds Your Boring Little College

Thursday, September 18th, 2008
Hoover Tower: Stanford's Resident Intellectual Phallus

HooTow: Stanford's Requisite Ivy League Style Phallus

Stanford University has launched a series of 10 free, online computer science (CS) and electrical engineering courses. The courses span an introduction to computer science and an introduction to artificial intelligence and robotics, among other topics.

Come on!  Free online courses in artificial intelligence AND robotics?  Can your college do that?  You can even download them to iTunes and watch them on the train.

I know, you thought your institute of higher learning was the coolest, but maybe you should think again.

It’s all part of Stanford School of Engineering’s Engineering Everywhere project

Full story on Device Guru