Posts Tagged ‘Health Care’

Healthcare ‘Providers’

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

I don’t think I’m saying anything here that people don’t already know, but…

Healthcare providers are EVIL.

I just spent an hour and half talking to vairous ‘health care professionals’ and ‘rapid resolution experts’ trying to deal with a charge of 61.37 that a clinic thinks I still owe them from September of last year.

The reason for that?  The insurance people say it’s because the doctor I went to was ‘out of network’. I had thought he was in network.

You can see how I might have been confused on this point last year, considering he’s listed on their website as being a doctor that is ‘in network’ (!!!)

I know.  People go through this crap all the time.  I’m happy it was only 60 bucks.

Just for fun, we’ll take a jab at their homepage:

‘United Healthcare: Bring us your last sprig of hope.  We’ll kill it for you.  Simply.  Smartly.  Together.’