Jean-Claude Van Damme?
Wednesday, April 1st, 2009I’m not quite sure what to say about this, but I think it actually looks pretty good:
In the same vein as Being John Malcovich, Van Damme plays himself — a past-his-prime action star, returning to his home in Brussels, and playing out his remaining career shooting more and more questionable B movies. Until one day he runs out of money. And finds himself in the middle of a real-life bank robbery. Comedy and drama ensues.
I know what you’re thinking — Jean-Claude Van Damme? From Universal Soldier?
I know. I had the same reaction.
The amazing part is — at least in the trailer — Van Damme’s acting is actually pretty good. He’s actually funny and compelling — and overall the film – JCVD – looks really good. It comes out on DVD on 4/28, so we’ll just have to wait and see.
Thanks for the tip VSL!