Posts Tagged ‘Lori Drew’

The Lawyers Must Be Crazy

Monday, July 14th, 2008

Ok.  So we all know by now about Lori Drew — the girl who maliciously concocted a MySpace campaign that led to her adolescent neighbor’s suicide.  Bad news.  She deserves what she gets from the legal system.

But this?

Lori Drew Charged with Violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

Really?  Not, like, 2nd degree murder?  or manslaughter? Or something with teeth?

The scary thing about it is the implications on the rest of us.  She was basically charged with logging into MySpace under a fake name to gather information, which is a violation of title 130 section (a) (2) (c) of the US Code.  A FELONY.  If she’s found guilty for each of the 4 counts, she could get up to 15 years.  For pretending to be someone else on the internet.

Which is something that is so far beyond commonplace on the internet, I would hazard to say it’s practically the NORM.

Don’t get me wrong.  I think what Drew did was inhuman.  But seriously, lawyers.  WTF?

I don’t know what else to say exactly.  This is mind blowing.  Why on earth would the lawyers in this case think this is a good law to put in the books?  OR that it would not be appealed and overturned?


I’d move to Canada, but Apple took back most of their iPhones.