Submitted for your approval: yet another rockin’ Brooklyn band: Dirty Projectors.

I first learned about these guys (or this guy, I guess — it’s primarily the brainchild of musician Dave Longstreth) when they performed one of the most kick-ass Bjork covers on Stereogum’s ‘Enjoyed‘ (which you should definitely download now! if you haven’t already — they cover Hyperballad)
Their new single ‘Stillness is the Move‘ which they played at SXSW (to deafening applause, apparently) is really, really good. If it’s any indication of how their upcoming release, Bitte Orca (5/5), is going to sound I think we’re in for some good stuff.
Download your own copy of Stillness is the Move from Stereogom
Read about Dirty Projectors on NPR
Stream Dirty Projectors’ full SXSW concert from NPR
Buy a ticket to their concert/collaboration with Bjork to benefit Housing Works
Read Stereogum’s rave review of Bitte Orca
and thanks Stereogum for the low down, and for tons of free tunes