Posts Tagged ‘Bottled Water’

Bottled Water is Bad (we knew this already, right?)

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

Gawker just ran an article about Bottlemania — a new book about our overindulgence in bottled water over the last 20-odd years.  BAD NEWS.  The most shocking of the facts that they bring up — the cost of bottling, transporting and disposing of a single bottle of water is basically equivalent to filling that bottle 25% full of oil.

Maybe it’s time to just start filling up the ol Nalgene?

Not sure if this is an option for some (I know Morgan Hill, CA where I grew up had horrible drinking water), but I know New York tap water is seriously just as good as bottled water.  If not better than some (Yes.  I’m looking at you Dasani)

What with the fact that the price of oil being what it is these days (and the fact that, you know, plastic is a processed oil product), maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to ease off the Volvic?