Posts Tagged ‘Completely Retarded’

Healthcare ‘Providers’

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

I don’t think I’m saying anything here that people don’t already know, but…

Healthcare providers are EVIL.

I just spent an hour and half talking to vairous ‘health care professionals’ and ‘rapid resolution experts’ trying to deal with a charge of 61.37 that a clinic thinks I still owe them from September of last year.

The reason for that?  The insurance people say it’s because the doctor I went to was ‘out of network’. I had thought he was in network.

You can see how I might have been confused on this point last year, considering he’s listed on their website as being a doctor that is ‘in network’ (!!!)

I know.  People go through this crap all the time.  I’m happy it was only 60 bucks.

Just for fun, we’ll take a jab at their homepage:

‘United Healthcare: Bring us your last sprig of hope.  We’ll kill it for you.  Simply.  Smartly.  Together.’

Save Gas

Monday, July 14th, 2008

This is completely awesome:

6 Retarded Gas Saving Schemes (People Are Actually Trying)

I have to say, though, I love the websites with a big sticker on the front page that say ‘Top Secret’.  Shh… don’t tell anyone else on the internet!

But really.  The best part of it is these guys. Spokespeople for #5. The brains of the operation:

Just becuase it’s so amazing, i’ll provide you with a little excerpt of what you get when you watch the video.  Pure science.

“I’d like to explain how our product works.  The enzymes in our product break down the molecular structure of the fuel.  So if you were to look at gasoline or diesel under a microscope, on a slide, you’d see clusters of molecules.  Much like clusters of grapes.  Our enzymes attack those clusters and break them down into individual molecules, allowing for a more complete burn of the fuel.  So if you’re shooting less out your tailpipe as an emission of our byproduct, you’d go further down the road and your fuel economy would be on the rise.  It’s as simple as that.  Thank you.”

It’s like he learned chemistry from Peter Griffin.