And apparently there’s an ‘In 5 Seconds’ genre as well, although the only ones I’ve found of those are not so funny (which is sad. ’Titanic in 5 Seconds’ seems like a pretty easy layup).
Yikes. Don’t these guys ever learn? Not even after this and this?
Microsoft is now encouraging people to host “launch parties” to honor the release of Windows 7. No. I’m not kidding.
Now you too can help usher in a whole new era of mediocrity. Forget all those parties you threw to help Obama get elected. This is bigger. Much, much bigger. And space is limited so you have to act now. Hurry. Your multicultural friends of all ages are waiting.
Only Microsoft could make technology look even less appealing than late-night infomercial products.
I swear. Microsoft, next time you need an idea for an ad campaign or a promotion, just give me a call. Me and my friends in your target demographic have lost cocktail napkins with better ideas of appearing “hip” and “with it.”
I know Facebook has done some tweaking of their UI lately (most notably to get rid of those spiffy, but apparently very difficult to maintain, rounded corners on the pictures), but they seem to be getting a little careless in terms of what gets out to production. Working for a large company myself, I know sometimes things can accidentally come out of the oven a little before they’re cooked. I’m just surprised to see this from Facebook.
Check this out:
1. The logo is blurry. Maybe they’re trying to reduce the file size? But man. I think that’s a no-no. Maybe it’s worth the extra K or two to have the logo be sharp?
2. The borders on all of their photos in the (freaking annoying) Highlights section are totally out of whack:
Come on Facebook! Pull yourself together! It’s not the weekend yet! Put down the margarita, re-save your logo, tweak your CSS and THEN you can leave for your rafting trip. K?