Archive for November, 2008

Bob Dylan’s Theme Time Radio Hour

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

I just got the first two volumes of The Best of Bob Dylan’s Theme Time Radio Hour in the mail (I’d completely forgotten I’d ordered it) and it’s AMAZING!  You need it.  You might not have known it before you started reading this, but you really need it.

The whole thing is like a cross section of fringe 20th century music.  Blues, Jazz, Folk, early Rock & Roll, Bluegrass… it gives you the feeling that you’re listening to the music that’s always been rolling through Dylan’s subconscious.  And in the 4 discs that came with the set, I think I’d only heard about 3 of the songs before.  It’s truly a great collection.

Not convinced?  Read more:

Very Short List first talked about Bob Dylan’s XM Radio show in 2006, including details on how you can tune in on AOL Radio.

– You too can get your own copy, bu as VSL explains, you have to order it from someplace outside the US — the powers that be didn’t want to deal with our annoying copyright laws.

Thanks VSL!

Perscription Heroin

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

I just read in The Huffington Post that Switzerland is voting today on a proposition to permanently implement an experimental prescription Heroin program.

You can read the full story (including a really insightful video clip) on BBC.

I am of so many minds about this as a concept. Part of me feels like this is a totally ridiculous idea.  But then the more open-minded part of me speaks up: “Maybe that’s just Nancy Regan’s voice in the back of your head telling you to ‘Just Say No to Drugs’.”  So ok. Let’s look at this rationally.  Does it work?  Sounds like the results thus far are inconclusive.  Except for the fact that the Swiss are seeing less addicts on their streets.  Which seems like a good thing right?  These people are being treated and cared for by the state.  That’s what we should be doing, right?  Proactively caring for those who are ailing in our society?

I concede, however, it’s really none of our business what Switzerland does to control its drug use problems.  Unless, of course, it’s working and we’re considering adopting it ourselves.  I don’t like that our media (and Britain’s too) feel like we can step in and judge what other countries do to solve their social problems.  I’m sure, from our repressed, narrow-minded, western perspective, this seems like an unholy idea: “Heroin prescribed by the state!  Dear god!  What next?”

But if it’s working, by their own standards, what’s wrong with it?


Friday, November 28th, 2008

I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of Fail Blog before.  It’s hilarious.  I’ve been laughing myself silly for the last hour.

Here are a few samples:

via FailBlog

via FailBlog

via FailBlog

via FailBlog

via FailBlog

via FailBlog

via FailBlog

via FailBlog

via FailBlog

via FailBlog

via FailBlog

via FailBlog

But you should really check out the site to get the full effect:

Thanks, Beth!

Just in Time for the Holidays!

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

Check this out:

Amazing, right?  And must be real, because they’re speaking French!

via MakeUseOf


Thursday, November 27th, 2008

I love photographs that take you a little while to figure out.

The first time I looked at this one I thought, “great color” and then “nice depth of field” and kept scrolling.  Then it occurred to me what it was, I scrolled back and had this intense feeling of vertigo.

Wish I knew who the photographer was…  Or what series it comes from.  But it’s definitely National Geographic — so thanks NG!

via FFFFound

Art of the Title

Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

I love this site.  Art of the Title posts the cream of the crop of the oft-overlooked opening title world.

The latest batch includes the opening sequence for True Blood, which I think is far better than the actual show (the couple of episodes I’ve seen at least).

Check it out:

via 37Signals

Quite Lovely

Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

This is just really nice.  Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy for the holidays.

Fifty People, One Question: New York from Crush & Lovely on Vimeo.

via DesignNotes