Posts Tagged ‘Haircut’

Why On Earth Is This Man Doing This?

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

This is from Johnny Depp’s list of Top 6 YouTube Videos (from his Vanity Fair interview, and digitized by Vulture).  I have to say the first video on the list is one of the most disturbing videos I’ve seen online.  Not because it’s particularly graphic or gruesome or anything like that.  But precisely because there is no explanation as to why this man (Paris’ Shakespeare & Co. Bookstore owner George Whitman) is cutting his hair by lighting it on fire.


Incidentally, Depp’s list is — as you might expect — very warped.  But he’s got some pretty choice YouTube highlights (including a VERY VERY HIGH James Brown on CNN).  Check out the digitized rendering of his Top 6 on Vulture.